A collection of docker images used in my research.
batch mode: docker run -it --rm container_name bash
interactive (browser): docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 container_name
- If running on MacOs, use the additional flag:
--platform linux/amd64
- To mount a local directors, use the additional flag:
-v /local/path:/container/path
jeffersonlab/base:fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image for simulations. Includes root, gcc, cmake, git, python3, etc |
jeffersonlab/base:ubuntu22 | Ubuntu 22 base image for simulations. Includes root, gcc, cmake, git, python3, etc |
maureeungaro/base:fedora36-latex | Fedora 36 base image used for latex. Include modern fonts and styles. Used in github actions to build pdfs |
jeffersonlab/cvmfs:fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image used on the Open Science Grid (OSG). Includes root and xrootd. On the OSG cvmfs is mounted and used to access geant4, gemc and clas12 reconstruction libraries |
jeffersonlab/sim:10.6.2-fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image containing geant4 version 10.6.2. Includes CLHEP, xercesc and qt libraries |
jeffersonlab/sim:10.7.4-fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image containing geant4 version 10.7.4. Includes CLHEP, xercesc and qt libraries |
jeffersonlab/sim:11.0.3-fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image containing geant4 version 11.0.3. Includes CLHEP, xercesc and qt libraries |
jeffersonlab/sim:11.1.1-fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image containing geant4 version 11.1.1. Includes CLHEP, xercesc and qt libraries |
jeffersonlab/sim:10.6.2-ubuntu22 | Ubuntu 22 base image containing geant4 version 10.6.2. Includes CLHEP, xercesc and qt libraries |
jeffersonlab/gemc:2.11-fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image containing gemc version 2.11. Includes geant4 version 10.7.4 |
jeffersonlab/gemc:4.4.2-5.1-5.2-5.3-fedora36-cvmfs | Fedora 36 base image containing clas12Tags versions 5.5.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3. Includes geant4 version 10.6.2. Install directory is /cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/jlab/hallb/clas12/soft |
jeffersonlab/gemc3:1.1-fedora36 | Fedora 36 base image containing gemc3 version 1.1. Includes geant4 version 11.1.1 |