Maurizio Ungaro
Staff Scientist

Jefferson Laboratory
Experimental Hall-B

About Me

I’m Mauri, a physicist working in Hall-B at Jefferson Lab.

My research is focused on the internal structure and dynamics of the nucleon,
in particular the physics beyond the constituent quark model and the link between
form factors and dressed quark mass (see for example the N → Δ(1232) transition
and the meson electro-production at high Q2 analyses).

I work on the Refurbishment, Operation / Maintenance / Calibration of the
Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter detector in Hall-B.

I am developing the GEMC simulation framework and the CLAS12 simulations,
including web submissions to the Open Science Grid (OSG).

Most recently I joined the Geant4 collaboration with the purpose of supporting
its development.

In my free time I am learning to play hockey, while watching and assisting
my kid learning it much faster than me.

Interests Education
  • Quark Structure
  • MonteCarlo Simulations
  • Data Analysis
  • Geant4
  • Cherenkov Counters
  • Software Development

Staff Scientist
Jefferson Laboratory, VA, USA, 2011-present

Post-Doc and Research Associate
University of Connecticut, USA, 2004-2011

PhD in Nuclear Physics
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, 2003

Laurea in Fisica
Università degli studi di Genova, Italy, 1999

Recent and Upcoming talks

CLAS12 Open Science Grid portal upgrade pdf key na CLAS12 Collaboration Meeting, Newport News, Virginia June 2024
Geant4 Analysis Tools pdf key na Geant4 tutorial course, Newport News, Virginia March 2024
Geant4 Hadronic Physics 1 pdf key na Geant4 tutorial course, Newport News, Virginia March 2024
Geant4 Visualization pdf key na Geant4 tutorial course, Newport News, Virginia March 2024
Run Dependent Simulations pdf key na CLAS Collaboration Meeting, Newport News, Virginia March 2024
Geant4 Hadronic Physics Updates pdf key na Geant4 Space Users Workshop, Pasadena, California Dec 2023
GEMC: a database driven Monte-Carlo simulation program pdf key na CHEP 2023, Norfolk, Virginia May 2023





C++, [z][ba][c]sh, Python, LaTex, Git, Github CI, Docker, Environment-modules, HTCondor, CMake, SCons, Fortran, PHP, Javascript, Highchart, Html, CSS, Markdown

Geant4, ROOT, XCode, PyCharm, CLion, FreeCad, Gimp, Excel, Powerpoint, Keynote, Numbers

English, Italian
